Course selection

Each course is fully accredited and worth 5 ECTS, except Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts, which is a 3 ECTS course and Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity, which is a 2 ECTS online course. 

There are both online and on-site courses. Courses organised on-site may have some online parts, e.g. pre-assignments or exams, outside the contact teaching period but they require presence in Turku between 4-15 August 2025. It is not possible to take part in the contact teaching period online.

Online courses are self-paced and can be completed between 1 June and 30 August 2025.

The course fees are stated in each course description. Please note that the course fees do not include possible accommodation, travel, or visa expenses.

On-site courses 2025

The students will learn the basics of WTO law and its interaction with the EU and other trading partners. The idea is to present the student with the evolution of trade before and after COVID.

This is a course for someone wishing to find new sources of innovation and new creativity tools as well as to learn more about idea management.

The focus of this course is on designer-attitude, design methods, design thinking and service design that are approached in an effective and fun way.

This course is an introduction to web based external communication with a strategic angle. The participants will learn about communication as a strategic tool for the organization, how to develop a concrete and functional communication strategy and communication plan, including a content plan and a more detailed communication schedule.

Explore culture from a sociological perspective, including the relationships between culture and ideology, identity, and society. The course will examine culture with a focus on the role of media in shaping our understandings of ourselves, social issues, and the broader context in which we live.

Game design combines both artistic and scientific thinking resulting in exciting and immersive experiences. The students will learn the theory behind game design and how to carry it out in practice as an individual game designer and as a part of a design group.

Nature can effect health and well-being in many ways. The course includes insights on nature-based methods for promoting health and well-being as well as activities and adventures in various Finnish natures and environments in the Turku area.

With the focus on sustainable development, the course offers insights on everyday environments, how the city works and how city planning accounts for various phenomena.

What is social sustainability and its relationship to other aspects of sustainability? How is it manifested, measured and promoted in societies and who is responsible for it?

Social media has transformed on how we communicate, organize and act in society. This course introduces relevant theories for a deeper understanding of how digital media relates to social change, and gives the tools to produce an online publication.

Online courses 2025

Students familiarise themselves with the most common Finnish phrases and learn basic vocabulary and grammar to be able to manage everyday situations in Finnish.

Introduction on how to facilitate communication and promote linguistic accessibility when working with people whose access to interaction is challenged.

Learn the basic phrases, vocabulary and grammar of the second official language in Finland in your own pace.

In this course, you’ll delve into the significance, impact, and fundamentals of branding. Learn the basics of sales and persuasion, along with effective negotiation and sales techniques. Explore how to utilize digital communication channels from a sales perspective.

A free introductory level course on how the rapid advances in AI technology, most prominently machine learning, connect with the changing cybersecurity domain.