Swedish for Beginners

5 ECTS | 50€ | Self-paced online course | 1 June – 31 August 2024

Students familiarise themselves with the most common Swedish phrases and learn basic vocabulary and grammar to be able to manage everyday situations in Swedish. The course establishes the foundation for studying the Swedish language. 

The course is a complete beginner’s course in Swedish offered online at the students own pace. It covers interactive, both oral and written activities and small assignments. No earlier Swedish studies required. English is the language of instruction among with Swedish.

The aim of the course is that students can identify, understand and produce simple and short Swedish words and sentences in both spoken and written Swedish.


  • develop their metalinquistic knowledge and learning strategies.
  • develop their ability to utilise their language repertoire in learning a new language.
  • can communicate in Swedish in everyday situations
Learning outcomes

The student will be able to 

  • identify and understand simple and short Swedish words and sentences spoken at a tranquil pace.
  • identify and understand simple and short words and sentences in written Swedish.
  • are able to produce a moderate number of simple and short words and sentences in both spoken and written Swedish.
  • manage simple discussions and everyday situations in Swedish

The course is a self-paced online course. It includes various types of individual assignments, both written and oral, including short text and video production. Learning materials include interactive online course assignments, texts and video materials published on the course forum.

Humak University of Applied Sciences

Kirsi MacKenzie

The course is suitable for anyone interested in learning the basics of Swedish. No previous knowledge in the language is required.

5 ECTS equals 135 hours of students work

Interactive online course assignments, texts and video materials published on the course forum

The online exam takes place between August 26 and August 31, 2024. Prior to taking the exam, the students have to have completed all course assignments. Assessment is based on the final exam. The exam is evaluated pass/fail.

No limitation