Design Plugin Intensive
5 ECTS | 75€ | On-site in Turku | 1-30 August 2024 with contact teaching 5-16 August 2024
Curiosity, creativity, and empathy are key elements of design, and they are very much needed in surviving and thriving in an ever-changing world.
Design Plugin Intensive offers an effective and fun way for designer-attitude, design methods, design thinking and service design. The course includes introduction lectures, workshops with hands-on team working on real challenges, and independent reflection. The lecturers and coaches are experienced design teachers.
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to…
- understand the possibilities of design
- approach various phenomena and challenges with a designer’s attitude
- use basic design methods for different development needs, like
- gather user-information and find relevant needs from that by using design methods
- ideate, create, prototype and present alternative design/service design concepts based on found needs
Lectures, workshops, group & project work, presentations, and independent studying (reflection).
Contact teaching in Turku UAS Campus 5 August – 16 August. The finish of the course is completed independently (reflection).
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Mervi Vuolas and Hannu Parkkamäki
Place: Turku UAS Campus.
Undergraduate students with at least two years completed of Bachelor’s studies in any field.
Lectures, mentoring and workshops 40 h, project work in groups 45 h, reflective report/learning diary 40h = 125 h
Will be informed before the course start.
Grading 1-5
Max. 25 students