Moving around in Turku

Turku is a rather compact city. You can easily walk through the whole city centre area. The campus area is located also right next to the city centre.

If you stay outside the city centre or the campus area, you might need to use the public transport. On this page there is some information about the possible ways that you can use to move around.


Public transport in Turku is operated by Föli. Buses in Turku are generally very realible and rarely more than a few minutes late. 

A flexibel season ticket costs costs 31€ for 14 days and includes limitless bus rides. A single ticket would cost 3€ or if bought from the driver, 4€. 

Summer School students are unfortunately not entitled to the student priced tickets. 

City Bikes

The city bikes (Föllärit) are also operated by Föli. You can get unlimited bike rides for only 6€ for a month. A single ride would cost 2€/1h.

The city bikes work easily with the Donkey Republic app and have Bluetooth locks. There are stations with physical racks as well as virtual stations all over the city.

The distances in Turku are not too long and the city bikes may often be the simplest and cheapest way to get from one place to another!

In the city centre and campus area there are biking lanes almost everywhere. Never ride a bike on a pavement!