Culture, Media and Society
5 ECTS | 225 € | On-site in Turku | 1-30 August 2025, contact teaching in Turku: 4-15 August 2025
This course will explore culture from a sociological perspective, including the relationships between culture and ideology, identity, and society. Drawing on both theoretical and empirical texts, the course will examine culture from a variety of standpoints, with a focus on the role of media in shaping our understandings of ourselves, social issues, and the broader context in which we live. We will highlight contemporary debates and examine them from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint.
Learning outcomes
As a student you will be able to:
- lay out both the foundational and contemporary debates in cultural sociology.
- analyze the relationship between culture, media, and society from a variety of standpoints.
- develop an in-depth understanding of selected areas in cultural sociology, with the opportunity to develop specialized knowledge of topics of interest to them.
- Finally, you will learn about methods of cultural analysis with a focus on the critical analysis of media and discourse.
We will study the following themes from a theoretical and practical perspective:
- Difference, Identity, and Culture
- Popular Culture, Mass Media, and Globalization
- Subcultures
- The Politics of Entertainment
- News media, Discourse, and Politics
- Race, Gender, and Cultural Representations
- Music and Social Change
- Digital Culture and Social Media
Coursework will include participation in lectures, independent research, analytical exercises, peer to peer learning, dialogues and a final project.
The day is structured so that we have lectures in the morning and groupwork, workshops, or dialogues in the afternoon.
1 August – 30 August. Contact teaching in Turku 4-15 August 2025. The start and finish of the course is completed online.
Åbo Akademi University
Monica Gathuo, Monica has a Master’s degree in Global Politics and Communication and is the co-founder of ARMA (Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance) and a researcher of the digital media usage of women of colour in Finland. You can read more about her here:
Place: Mainly in Turku, but includes also online studying.
Undergraduate students with at least two years completed of Bachelor’s studies in social sciences, humanities, or related subjects. If you do not fill these requirements but feel that you have a basic understanding of theories about society and/or media and an interest to learn more, please contact the Open University of ÅAU to discuss the possibility to participate in the course.
Pre-task 35 h, self-studies 40 h, lectures and mentoring 20 h, project work in groups 40 h = 135 h
The course literature will include, but is not limited to, selections from the following texts:
Back, Les et al. (2012). Cultural sociology: an introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hall, Stuart (Ed.). (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. SAGE.
Said, Edward W. (2012). Culture and imperialism. Vintage.
Swartz, David. (2012). Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. University of Chicago Press.
Additional articles and chapters will be made available on Moodle.
Grading 1-5
Max. 25 students