Creativity & Innovativeness
5 ECTS | 1100 € | On-site in Turku | 1-30 August 2025, contact teaching in Turku: 4-15 August 2025
This course is a deep dive into what it is to be a Creative and Innovative Professional.
We will get acquainted with the Startup scene in Turku.
Creativity as a skill and identity
Creativity tools and idea management
Innovativeness and product /service development
Sources of innovation and innovativeness
Cynefin framework and Estuarine Framework
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to…
- Discover and develop his/her own Creativity and Innovativeness skills
- Apply creativity and innovation tools
- Use different sources of innovation (internal and external) to detect and exploit opportunities
- Analyse and describe how innovative firms are changing business reality
- Explain the importance of product/service development and the people and factors involved in the development work.
Inquiry Based learning, individual and group work, project work, report, presentations.
1 August – 30 August. Contact teaching in Turku 4 August – 15 August 2025. The start of the course is online for pretask of inquiry into the subject theory.
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Timo Linnossuo, Entrepreneur and founder of several companies. Certified Senior Team Coach. Lecturer at Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Place: Mainly in Turku, but includes also online studying (pretask).
Undergraduate students with at least two years of bachelor’s studies completed in any field.
Pre-task 45 h, lectures and mentoring 30 h, project work in groups 60 h = 135 h
Individually chosen books, articles and online theory on Creativity and innovation.
Grading 1-5
Min. 10 students, max. 30 students.